Employee coverage termination

What you need to know to terminate coverage under your group policy for an employee or their dependents.

Terminating an employee’s coverage must be done in writing.

To terminate an employee’s coverage, the plan sponsor must submit a written request within 31 days of any change listed below:

  • Employment has ended.
  • Employee has a reduction in hours resulting in loss of eligibility.
  • Employee voluntarily requests to terminate coverage.
  • Employee takes a leave of absence. (We will allow an employee to retain coverage upon your company’s leave of absence policy.)

Be sure to include the following:

  • Company name
  • Employee name
  • Employee’s date of birth
  • Termination date

Please send your written request via:

Email SHPEnrollmentGeneralMail@sharp.com
Please be sure to CC your account manager.
Fax 1-858-499-8246
Mail Sharp Health Plan
8520 Tech Way Suite 200
San Diego CA  92123

Important reminders

Omitting a member from an application or simply not paying for the member will not terminate the member’s coverage.

The termination date of benefits is always the last day of the last month the employee was eligible. For example, if the employee terminates employment on June 3, then their health coverage ends June 30.

Terminating a dependent’s coverage must be done in writing.

To terminate a dependent’s coverage, the plan sponsor must submit a written request within 31 days of any change listed below:

  • An employee voluntarily requests coverage to be terminated.
  • A divorce decree has been finalized.
  • The spouse or domestic partner no longer resides or works in our service area.
  • The dependent child no longer resides in our service area, unless there is a standing health coverage court order.
  • The dependent child reaches the maximum dependent age as defined by the group agreement or ceases to meet other dependent eligibility requirements.

Be sure to include the following:

  • Company name
  • Employee name
  • Dependent(s) to be removed from coverage
  • Termination date

Please send your written request via:

Email SHPEnrollmentGeneralMail@sharp.com
Please be sure to CC your account manager.
Fax 1-858-499-8246
Mail Sharp Health Plan
8520 Tech Way Suite 200
San Diego CA  92123

Important reminders

You must specify that this request is only for an employee's dependents.

Omitting a member from an application or simply not paying for the member will not terminate the member’s coverage.

The termination date of benefits is always the last day of the last month the employee was eligible. For example, if the employee terminates employment on June 3, then their health coverage ends June 30.


If you have any questions, please contact your dedicated account management executive. You can call us Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.