With our providers, patients and health plans working together, we can ensure the best possible outcome every time. For eligibility, referrals, claims, credentialing, contracting, assistance with your Sharp Health Plan online account or any other provider-related matter, email us at provider.relations@sharp.com or call 1-858-499-8330. Our fax number is 1-858-303-9049.
Submit your claims online
Submitting claims online can reduce errors, resulting in quicker processing and payment.
Check eligibility, view claims statuses and more. Contact your designated site administrator to get registered.
We serve up the latest Sharp Health Plan news for you so that you can better serve your patients.
Find out how to submit claims and make processing and settling claims easier for you and your patients.
Submit bulk patient eligibility requests through your Sharp Health Plan online account or use our phone self-service tool for single patient verifications.
Here are the guides, manuals and resources you need to request prior authorization, make a referral and access Sharp’s medical policies.
Check our prior authorization guidelines for covered procedures, services and medications before you perform a service or prescribe.
Search the covered drug and specialty drug lists, download prior authorization request forms, and find pharmacy benefit resources, all in one place.
Learn how to help members get access to the services they need for diagnosis and treatment of behavioral health conditions.
Electronic prescribing mandate information
Effective January 1, 2022, all California health care practitioners who are authorized to prescribe will be required to issue prescriptions electronically.
Our Provider Operations Manuals show the benefits we offer, a list of provider responsibilities and efforts towards quality improvement.
Browse, download, and print enrollment forms, authorization request, appeal requests, and other useful documents.
You can find Medicare forms and authorizations on the Sharp Direct Advantage website.
Get helpful reminders about how to comply with the timely access laws, which outline maximum wait times for phone calls and appointment requests.
Language assistance program
Quality care depends on clear communication between you and your patients. Get the right support so that no questions are left unanswered.
Stay up-to-date on Sharp Health Plan-related information related to coronavirus and COVID-19.
Find the programs in place to help keep your patients safe and the resources available that support quality care.
Use our library of clinical resources to save time, diagnose and treat members even more effectively, and make the member experience the best it can be.
We wouldn't be here without the passion and skill of providers just like you. Enrollment starts here, and we'd love to partner with you.
At Sharp, Health Equity and Cultural Humility are important to us. If you’d like to know more about integrating cultural humility into your office or practice, here’s a great resource for you to use.
"We are thrilled with the support that we receive at all levels. All of the points of contact are professional, committed and passionate about providing high-quality service."
- Sherri R., Director of Benefits & HR Information Systems, Palomar Health
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