Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Free health coaching

Reach your fitness goals with one-on-one, tailored support.

Our members have free access to personal health and lifestyle coaches who will guide you towards improved health. If you're ready to make a change, a Best Health® coach can help! Coaching sessions are one-on-one, phone-based for your convenience, and completely customized to your individual needs. Meet our coaches and see what they love about the wellness program!

Your coach will review your lifestyle habits and health issues to establish a starting point; provide guidance on goal setting and planning; talk through troublespots and address barriers; and offer motivation to inspire change and help you reach your health goals.

Best Health coaching programs are six weeks in length. You will spend 30 minutes on the phone each week with a personal health coach who can help you make positive changes.

Choose from five topics

Best Health coaching sessions are 30 minutes long and held once a week. Topics include:

  • Healthy weight
  • Smoking cessation
  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Stress management

Coaching sessions are free to all Sharp Health Plan members and are offered Monday through Friday from 8 am – 6 pm (last available session is 5:30 pm). For more information, call 1-877-849-2363 or email us at besthealth@sharp.com.

Meet your health goals

Please fill out the form below to schedule a phone consultation.

Program of interest

When is best for you?

We offer consultations Monday through Friday only, please do not select a Saturday or Sunday request.

  • To schedule your initial consultation, please provide 3 dates you are available for the consultation call.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: When selecting your dates, please make sure they are within the next 2 to 3 weeks and that the dates are at least 5 business days from when you submit this form.
  • Same-day and next day consultation appointments are not available.

Please select a day between Monday and Friday.

Please select a day between Monday and Friday.

Please select a day between Monday and Friday.

Due to a high volume of requests, it may take up to two to three weeks to have your first appointment scheduled, depending on availability. You’ll receive an email confirmation of your selected appointment time.

Have you previously worked with a Sharp Health Plan Best Health coach?*
If yes, would you like to work with the same coach?