Medical prior authorization

Learn which services require prior authorization.

Doctor and nurse wearing face mask reviewing clipboard

Services that require precertification for members enrolled in benefits through our point of service (POS) or preferred provider organization (PPO) click here.

Our prior authorization guide makes it easier to determine when prior authorization is required for a particular service. Note that these guidelines are specific to services for members enrolled in HMO plan and assigned to providers who are independently contracted with Sharp Health Plan. For members assigned to a different plan medical group (PMG), providers should contact the PMG directly for details and their referral and authorization processes. The PMG is identified on the member's identification card.


Utilization management program

Our medical prior authorization guide is part of our utilization management program, which ensures members have access to the high-quality, cost-effective medical services they need, when they need them. Learn more about this program in the provider operations manual.

Fill out a prior authorization form

  • Please complete authorization request via Provider Portal (if access available)
  • If not, please complete the appropriate prior authorization form in its entirety.
    • Incomplete forms will be faxed back to sender.
    • Fax completed form to 1-619-740-8111 
  • Be sure to include any clinical documentation to support your authorization request. Include anything that may be important to review such as chart notes, imaging, or lab data. The more information you provide, the better we can fulfill your request.

Have a question?

  • Call Customer Care at 1-858-499-8300
    • Toll free 1-800-359-2002 
    • Dedicated provider line 1-844-483-9012
  • Email us at
  • Available Monday through Friday between 8 am and 6 pm

Behavioral Health questions?

Your Sharp Health Plan Online Account

You can also submit and check the status of your authorizations/referrals through your Sharp Health Plan online account.

Direct referrals

If a direct referral is approved by the member’s primary care physician and delivered by a contracted provider, you're not required to notify us, get authorization or submit referral forms.

Referral & prior authorization request form

If a service is listed as “Prior Authorization Required” (unless it’s an emergency), you must fax this form to 1-619-740-8111 and receive approval before scheduling the procedure.


Notification only

If a service requires “Notification,” you must fax a prior authorization request form to 1-619-740-8111 3-7 business days before the procedure, or within 1 business day if the member is admitted unexpectedly.


Pharmacy prior authorization

Looking for pharmacy prior authorization guidance? It’s here.