Diabetes treatment

Find out more about managing diabetes.

Fruits in heart-shaped bowl

Sharp Health Plan provides coverage for supplies, equipment and services for the treatment and control of diabetes. Your primary care physician (PCP) or authorized specialist will recommend office or telehealth visits to diagnosis and treat your diabetes.

Medication to treat your diabetes, such as insulin and glucagon, is available through your prescription drug benefits. Your doctor will write a prescription to send to your requested network pharmacy.

Diabetic supplies such as test strips, lancets, insulin pumps and glucose monitors are available through your plan medical group. Your doctor will send an order to the supplier used by your plan medical group. Ask your doctor to confirm the name of the supplier, so you will be prepared when they contact you to make arrangements for delivery.

We will not contact you by phone to offer free diabetic supplies. Unfortunately, scammers may sometimes offer free diabetic supplies in order to ask for your birth date, insurance ID, Medicare number or other personal information. If you get a call like this one, do not provide any information. To report fraud, call the federal fraud hotline at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477) or file a report online.

To learn more about your covered benefits for treatment of diabetes, log in to your Sharp Health Plan online account below to read your Member Handbook and benefit summary.

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