8 things you can do with your pharmacy portal account
Check drug costs and coverage
Visit the portal to find out if there are opportunities to save on your prescription medications.
Save money on Rx
Find out if your medications are in the online drug list. Using medications from the list can help you save money on the prescriptions you need.
Rx delivery by mail
Start filling your prescriptions in convenient, 90-day supplies, which often costs you less.
Find a network pharmacy
Never pay more than your prescription copay when you use a network pharmacy for a medication on the drug list.
Keep track of your Rx spending
See how close you are to meeting your deductible and maximum out-of-pocket costs.
Manage all your Rx in one place
Easily manage prescriptions by mail or through a specialty pharmacy in one place.
Get quick and easy refills*
Save time by managing medication refills for mail order or specialty pharmacy through the portal.
Customize mail order and specialty pharmacy notifications and reminders*
Choose how to receive information about your prescriptions — by text, email or phone.