Easy ways to eat healthier

Changing what and how you eat can support your health.

Why is eating healthier so challenging? The behaviors you develop over a lifetime make a difference. Taking things one step at a time can help you succeed. Even when you take small steps, change isn’t always easy, so it’s important to have a good reason to stick with it.

Healthy eating benefits

  1. Helps you maintain a healthy weight
  2. Gives you more energy
  3. Keeps your mind working
  4. Makes you less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer

How to choose nutritious foods

To create a balanced plate, try adding more of these foods to your meals:

  • Fruits
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Whole grains

3 tips to get started

It’s not just what you eat, it’s also how you eat that matters.

  1. Manage your portion sizes to reduce how much you eat.
  2. Limit how much salt and alcohol you consume.
  3. Change how you eat by paying close attention to your food away from distractions. Sitting down and focusing on your food can help you understand when you’re getting full and should stop eating.

Keep up with your healthy habits

Making just one change will help you to develop healthier eating behaviors for life. When you’ve incorporated one change and feel comfortable, take another step. It’s never too late to make better food choices and enjoy the benefits.

Take the next step toward wellness

If you need hands-on tools to help you stick to your goals or want one-on-one support, we’re here to help. Our Best Health® wellness program shares great tips to eat healthy at home, connects you with our personal health and lifestyle coaches and so much more. Get started by logging in or signing up with Best Health today.

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