Workplace wellness

Help employees put wellness first with Best Health®.

Woman celebrating at work desk

The Best Health wellness model

Best Health is an integrated wellness program designed to drive member engagement and a culture of health to positively influence health behavior change.

Excite employees to take a first step in wellness

Establish a baseline of current well-being and path to improvement

Motivate and support those ready to change

Proven results

  • Up to 86% participation rate among top employers
  • 100% employer satisfaction with Best Health
  • 76% completion rate in coaching programs
  • 8 ½ lb. average weight loss for obese participants in weight loss program
  • 37% quit rate for those in tobacco cessation program

"Thanks to my Best Health coach, I am lighter, stronger and quicker. And I am happy about that."

- Jim S., Sharp Health Plan Member, Poway, CA